- 此卡为记名、记次卡(享有平日38次免果岭费及更衣柜费待遇),有效期1年;
- 平日击球扣1次、假日击球扣2次,支付球童、球车费。
- 持卡人每次来场同组嘉宾可使用次卡扣果岭费;
- 持卡人须遵守本公司定的章程、规则及其他有关规定免责条款;
- 本公司对此卡有最终解释权。
- This card is a multiple rounds card, entitling the holder to get 38 rounds of 18 holes green fees waived and it will remain valid for one year;
- One round on weekdays and two rounds on weekends and public holidays, with 18 holes as the unit; Normal caddie/cart package charge will be levied.
- This card can be used to off-set the green fee charge of the golfers playing in the same group as the holder;
- This card must be produced by the card holder upon settlement of the bills;
- We reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions of usage without prior notice.
- 持卡人享有27洞平、假日打球免果岭费、管理费和更衣柜费;
- 持卡人来场最多携带3位同组嘉宾享有球会嘉宾价;
- 持卡人之合法配偶及年龄低于十八岁的子女均可以七折优惠购买同样年期
- 此卡为记名可转让卡,转让费为RMB3000元;
- 持卡人须遵守本公司定的章程、规则及其他有关规定免责条款;
- The card holder can play up to 27 holes without being required to pay for the green fee or locker fee on any day of the week, including Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays;
- The card holder can also invite up to 3 guests to play with him at guest rate;
- The card holder's spouse and children under the age of 18, can enjoy a 30% discount when purchasing the same kind of card;
- This card is registered under the name of the purchaser but it can transferred to another person upon payment of RMB 3,000. as handling charge;
- Card holders are required to comply with the rules and other relevant provisions of the exemption clauses of the Club Management.
- 持卡人享有27洞平日打球免果岭费、管理费、更衣柜费; 以及每次来场最
- 持卡人假日来场享有24次免果岭待遇;之后持卡人假日享有球会嘉宾价,
- 持卡人之合法配偶及年龄低于十八岁的子女均可以七折优惠购买同样年期
- 此卡为记名可转让卡,转让费为RMB5000元;
- 持卡人须遵守本公司定的章程、规则及其他有关规定免责条款;
- The card holder can play up to 27 holes without being required to pay for the green fee or locker fee on any weekday and three of his accompanied guest can enjoy guest rate when playing together with him;
- The card holder can enjoy up to 24 times green fees waived on either Saturday, Sunday or Public Holidays and thereafter enjoy guest rate. His accompanied guests, up to 3 players, can at each time enjoy guest rates when playing together with him;
- The card holder's spouse and children under the age of 18, can enjoy a 30% discount when purchasing the same kind of card;
- This card is registered under the name of the purchaser but it can be transferred to another person upon payment of RMB 5,000. as handling charge;
- Card holders are required to comply with the rules and other relevant provisions of the exemption clauses of the Club Management.
- 持卡人享有27洞平、假日打球免果岭费、管理费、更衣柜费;
- 持卡人每次来场最多携带3位同组嘉宾享有球会嘉宾价;
- 持卡人之合法配偶及年龄低于十八岁的子女均可以七折优惠购买同样年期产
- 此卡为记名可转让卡,转让费为RMB5000元;
- 持卡人须遵守本公司定的章程、规则及其他有关规定免责条款;
- The card holder can play up to 27 holes without being required to pay for the green fee or locker fee on any day of the week, including Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays;
- The card holder can also invite up to 3 guests to play with him at guest rate;
- The card holder's spouse and children under the age of 18, can enjoy a 30% discount when purchasing the same kind of card;
- This card is registered under the name of the purchaser but it can be transferred to another person upon payment of RMB 5,000.
- Card holders are required to comply with the rules and other relevant provisions of the exemption clauses of the Club Management.
- 会员在有效期内,享有任何时段打练习球全免;
- 此卡只限会员本人开一条道使用,不设与他人共用打位服务;
- 免费使用会员推杆果岭;
- 持卡人免收灯光费;
- 持卡人在练习场、专卖店和餐厅等可享用公司规定之优惠;
- 如遗失或损坏此卡,持卡人须提交相关身份证明并交纳补发新卡费用
- 持卡人须遵守本公司定的章程、规则及其他有关规定免责条款;
- 此卡限16周岁以下儿童办理;
- 会员在有效期内,享有任何时段打练习球会免;
- 此卡只限会员本人开一条道使用,不设与他人共用打位服务;
- 免费使用会员推杆果岭;
- 会员可预约享受免费专人打球指导;
- 持卡人免收灯光费;
- 持卡人在练习场、专卖店和餐厅等可享用公司规定之优惠;
- 如遗失或损坏此卡,持卡人须提交相关身份证明并交纳补发新卡费用
- 此卡不可转让,入会费一经缴纳不予退还;
- 持卡人须遵守本公司定的章程、规则及其他有关规定免责条款;